
Need help?
YWCA McLean County recognizes that everyone needs help at some point in their lives. While we offer a myriad of services to the underserved and underrepresented, we also know that not everyone wants or knows that they need direct intervention in every abusive situation. Use our resource section as assistance in determining if you or someone you know is in a situation where help is required, and if so, what steps should be taken next.

Domestic Violence
Domestic violence comes in different forms and sometimes it’s not clear that it is abuse. Resources here provide answers to the tough questions: Am I being abused? Is he/she being abused? What do I do?

Sexual Assault
YWCA McLean County offers programs and services to victims of sexual assault. To learn about these programs and to find more information on sexual assault, follow the link above.

Sex Trafficking
Sex trafficking or sexual exploitation are more common than one may think, and these cases often go unreported. According to the National Human Trafficking hotline, 5,551 cases of sex trafficking were reported in the US in 2016, and this number continues to grow each year.

Elder Abuse
Elder abuse can take place anywhere, from private residences to nursing homes. Listed here are resources for the empowerment and safety of the elderly.

Child Abuse
Learn the signs of child abuse and what should be done in cases of admission or suspicion.